Surgical Options

  • Lumbar (Open) Microscopic Discectomy

    Open discectomy is the most common surgical treatment for ruptured or herniated discs of the lumbar spine.

  • Microdisectomy

    A microdiscectomy is useful to relieve pain due to a disc herniation that is pressing on a nerve.

  • Minimally Invasive Surgery

    Minimally invasive techniques for spine surgery were initiated in the 1980’s and have evolved and improved in the past three decades thanks to technical innovations.

  • Outpatient Spine Surgery

    Improvements in technology and surgical techniques over the past decade have allowed for more spine surgeries to be performed outside of the traditional hospital setting and in outpatient spine surgery centers.

  • Percutaneous Vertebral Augmentation (PVA)

    Augmentation means to add to, vertebral indicates a vertebra, and percutaneous means through the skin.

  • Posterior Cervical Foraminotomy

    Posterior cervical foraminotomy is an alternative surgical procedure to relieve symptoms of a pinched spinal nerve.

  • Spinal Cord Stimulator

    Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) is an option for treating complex low back, neck or related leg or arm pain when other treatments, including surgery, have failed to significantly improve the symptoms, or when the risks of surgery may outweigh the potential benefits.

  • Spinal Fusion

    Fusion is a surgical technique in which one or more of the vertebrae of the spine are united together (“fused”) so that motion no longer occurs between them.